Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lesbian student's rights violated

In the case of Aberdeen, Miss high school student Constance Mcmillen filed a case against the board of education .Because they prohibited her from bringing her girlfriend to prom and was going to accompany her by wearing a tuxedo. If she won the case about being discriminated against then she should have been granted the right to attend prom with her girlfriend.
There have been many lawsuits through the years that where drummed up by anti – gay law suits. Such as the Lawrence versus Texas case that two men where in the privacy of a home and the Houston police intruded and saw the men engaged in a sexual act and wrongfully convicted them of deviate sexual intercourse in violation of a old Texas rule forbidding two persons of the same sex to engage in certain intimate sexual activity. The courts in this situation was wrong for convicting these two men but once again is a anti-gay discrimination case that was lost and the two were held responsible for their actions.
Southerners have very strong views about gays and their rights. Bottom line is we live in a society that the gay culture is becoming acceptable in any form or fashion. Gay people are humans at the end of the day and do the same things that straight people do such as the Downs versus Los Angeles Unified School District: The Case of the Anti-Gay Teacher. The Los Angeles school district sent a memo to the teachers recognizing gay and lesbian student’s awareness month and authorized the staff to put up posters promoting tolerance towards gay and lesbian students. Robert Downs a teacher refused to put up posters condoning gay and lesbian students achievements. Instead he put up anti-gay posters and when school officials ordered him to take them down he then sued and the school was upheld for their actions. Gay and lesbian activities are very controversial not everybody is ok with it. This isn’t the first case filed against either someone that’s gay or a person who is anti-gay either way there is going to be issues. The most controversial case was the Baker versus the state of Vermont a case in which local gays and lesbian were fighting to make it legal for same sex couples to legally get married in the state of Vermont. Unfortunately there rights were granted making Vermont a state where gay marriage is legal.

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