Monday, January 25, 2010

Review of Times1982 person of the year

The year 1982 was a notable year, because it was at the brink of discovering a newer,smaller,and more efficient machine as we know it today as the the personal computer.During this time the country had numerous events taking place such as the worse unemployment rate since the Great Depression.It was a year when the first artificicial heart started to pump blood into a dying mans chest and prince william arthur phillip louis was born.During that year many scientist had predicted the future for computers based on how the sales trippled year to year.They anticiapated computers taking the place of humans and jobs being lost because of the advancement of computers.In 1982 there was no man of the year simply the computer was the machine of the of the year.Computers where no longer used just for military use or educational use people where basing their jobs and careers around computers and the ever changing technology of them. Computers changed the world forever.

After 28 years the predictions that computer experts made were very correct many jobs have replaced workers for computers and the world is mainly operated by computers. Computer are leading in the the technology field with improvements every day.


  1. Ediri,you have a wonderful insight on the article,breaking down whats really important. I felt as if you did the article justice by getting straight to the point, making it easy to read and understand.Computers are a big part of our history. At times we forget how beneficial the computer is to our society.


  2. Mr. Ejiro, I like how imformative your paper is. You informed me not only about 1982's Time's Person of the year, but you have also used other examples to inform your readers what the presenet setting was during that time. However it was a little to short, and there could have been a little more information about the personal computer, and what it was intended to be used for. Watch some of your choice of words and sentence structure. But over all this was a good statement on Time's 1982 Person of The Year!

  3. Computers are taking over everyrhing. I like how you pointed that out. there are a few jobs that use a don't use a computer, but for the most part the world is computerized. Nice simple blog, easy to read.
