Wednesday, February 10, 2010


These articles are important because they expose the racism that was occuring in the late eighties and all the different stories that came along with the articles when it was published.The Atlanta journal tracked local banks lending habits and used the freedom of information act to gather information to come to the conclusion that the black populated areas of the city were being discriminated against to a ratio of five to one.The stories that followed the article only made things more clear and brung more information to the light .Bank managers argued and explained the reasons why this was taking place but the evidence was far too much for them to fight it was simple they did not loan to black famillies and this isssue had to come to the light.

1 comment:

  1. These articles did indeed shine light on an issue that is rarely brought up. Good job on focusing on some of the most important facts from the articles to deliver a clear message on what you read
